
Oplever du en følelsesmæssig afstand mellem dig og din partner? Er du træt af konflikter i dit forhold? Oplever du en forældrekrisis sammen med din partner? Er du den medfølgende ægtefælle, som føler sig tabt i processen med at flytte lande?

Disse er blot nogle af de problemer, der kan resultere i dagligt pres på relationer. Gennem parterapi har du mulighed for at ændre dit forhold til det bedre ved at forbedre kommunikationen, den følelsesmæssige forbindelse og kærligheden til hinanden.

Hvordan kan parterapi hjælpe jer?

En af de sværeste ting for par er at opleve følelsesmæssig frakobling fra hinanden. Det er denne følelsesmæssige afstand, der kan skabe stress, spænding og hjælpeløshed, hvilket kan æde sig ind på forholdet og føre jer længere væk fra at løse jeres problemer sammen. Parterapi kan hjælpe jer med at forholde jer til hinandens følelser, hvilket er en vigtig grundsten for et kærligt forhold.

Parterapi hjælper jer med at forstå, hvad der udløser jer og jeres partner i forskellige sammenhænge. Sammen afdækker vi, hvad der ligger bag jeres forskellige udløsere. Dette kan hjælpe jer til at forstå og respektere hinandens reaktioner og behov. Med den forståelse kan I være i stand til at hele gamle sår og føle jer følelsesmæssigt forbundne igen.​

I min parterapi arbejder vi på jeres kommunikation som et par. Det sprog I bruger, kan ofte misforstås gennem betydningen bag jeres ord. Dette kan resultere i ophedede diskussioner og smertefulde følelsesmæssige reaktioner. Ved at arbejde på at leve og kommunikere jeres værdier, lægger vi grundlaget for en sund kommunikation. Dette er søjlen for at skabe et respektfuldt forhold.​

Gennem parterapi kan I:

  • Lære at følelsesmæssigt forbinde jer ved at åbne op.
  • Skabe fælles værdier og mål.
  • Udvikle ærlig kommunikation.
  • Lære at være en medfølende partner. Udvikle et stærkt forældresamarbejde.
  • Forstå hinandens behov og hvordan man giver plads til dem. Være i stand til intimt at relatere til hinanden.
  • Støtte din partner i processen med at flytte lande.

Hvad kan du forvente af parterapi?

Med parterapi vil du opleve en genoplivning af livet og kærligheden i dit forhold. Du vil føle dig følelsesmæssigt forbundet med din partner og være i stand til at kommunikere med medfølelse.

Hver session varer 75 minutter. De første 5 sessioner afholdes normalt en gang om ugen eller hver fjortende dag. Derefter hver 2.-3. uge, så I har plads til at arbejde med øvelser og andre takeaway fra hver session. Jeg oplever, at par normalt kommer til terapi i 10-15 sessioner.

Overvejer du at
​gå i terapi?

Du er velkommen til at kontakte mig.

Book en gratis 25 minutters introduktionssession.

Det siger mine klienter om Act Of Living​

“ Jonathan is a wonderful person, I could feel it from the moment he walked in to the room. He is a very open minded spirit and connected easily with me through his empathy. It is obvious he cares for his patients and gives 110% in the sessions. I recommend Jonathan to anyone who is ready to get to know himself/herself better and work on achieving a better emotional balance.”


“I started going to Jonathan’s a couple of months ago. Wauw. I am so so happy with him and the therapy. In a very short time we dived into some deep issues I had, but in a very natural and calm way, and have since worked on specific things inside of myself. And I am BLOWN away by the improvement of my mental health. The tools and conversations are easy to digest, and very effective. Jonathan is a person you feel calm being around, and his way of listening, understanding and communicating is second to none. I’m so happy I started going there, and I know that I’ll continue for a long time. I can’t recommend Jonathan enough!”


“I have been very happy recieving therapy from ACT of living. It have been the most helpful. Even though you can't expect it I have left every session with a new understanding of my world, -I would dare call it an epiphany. Jonathan has been very skilled in helping me resolve my problems and I feel as I am in a new better place now after my sessions. I would highly recommend him:)”


“To everyone out there, my therapy session with Jonathan has helped me a lot to become more authentic every single day. I didn't know that I need help to become more authentic and accept myself the way I'm regardless where I live, my inner critic or other external expectation. It's tough especially when I'm living abroad, (in my case) changing countries every 4 years, so I had to adapt to new environment while getting to know who I am and my contribution in this world. Jonathan has helped me a lot to notice my authentic self and to show up everyday as her! It's indeed a live changing service that he provides.”


“Just as i have told Johnatan, when i talk to my friends and family about my issues, they give me their opinions and come up with specific solutions to my problems, however during therapy i learn to understand my feelings and work with my emotions, something i have never done before and as it turns out is extremely important. I become more and more in peace with the fact that all i feel and experience is a part of my journey and my feelings are not only human and okay but also valid.I can absolutely recommend Johnatan as a great therapist to everyone! I have come a long way and made a huge progress but i know that there is always room for improvement and that is why i will continue my sessions.”


“Hey. I had the pleasure to have five sessions with Jonathan. They went great. He is a great listener and greatly focused on helping. He kept me in my safe bubble and gave me good tools to be working with, which is awesome. Thank you, Jonathan. I would definitely recommend him, to anyone struggling!”


“First i would like to thank you Jonathan for Your patience, kindness and specially ears. As one of the people that you are always a ladder and shoulder to others it is very difficult to get ears to listen to you, and you have actually not only listened but also made me going back to align myself. It has been a wonderful experience and enthusiastic. Jonathan, thanks for putting your heart into what you do!”


“Jonathan and I had 13 sessions together and from the very first session I felt the warmth of his personality. I could tell that he genuinely wanted to help me in my journey of trying to understand myself better, and he most certainly did. I always entered a space where I felt safe sharing my thoughts and feelings, and he was always very present with me in that space. Sitting with someone who you feel wants to help you, felt healing in itself. That’s what I think is the most amazing thing about Jonathan; he comes from a very genuine and loving place.”


“I came to Jonathan in a very difficult time. I was deep in depression and anxiety which made me more or less feel helpless. To say it clear I was on the verge of giving up. But I didn’t want that feeling to take over my life, so I made a choice of wanting change and for that I needed help. I reached out to Jonathan and booked my first session. It was a really difficult session for me because it meant that I needed to face the reality of the situation I was in which was very scary. It ended in a very emotionel and honest session, and Jonathan made me feel safe to open up and actually listened to what I had to say. It made me feel like there was hope for a better future for me, and I had not felt that for a very long time. 


"I started working with Jonathan a few months ago and can say he has truly helped me change my way of life. During a depressive episode I reached out to him for help and have found myself coming out of it and reframing my view on life with his help. he approach is warm and gentle but firm. He has deep understanding of compassion that helps you find compassion for yourself. Our session can be intense but I always leave feeling better, having a real understanding of myself, and with tools to use. I recommend Jonathan highly to anyone that is looking for a caring therapist who goes the extra mile. 

I have looked for therapy since moving to Europe. Jonathan is the therapist for me, for sure."


"Jonathan has helped me now for about 3 months. I came to him struggling with stress, and on the brink of falling back into a deep depression. He helped me focus on rediscovering my personal values and, through that process, let go of the emotional baggage that contributed to my issues (some of which I had been holding for years).

With his help, I have managed to open up to the values that truly drive me as a person. And, most importantly, Jonathan guided me with a lot of skill and compassion in starting to live those values in all aspects of my life. I highly recommend him. He has helped me much more than a few words in a review can say. He has really helped me let go of the negative forces in my life and open up to a future full of positive energy and hope."


"I approached Jonathan for support with anxiety and panic attacks. Jonathan is a very warm, calm and empathetic person and an incredibly inspiring presence to work with. His consultation has provided such a positive benefit in my life, and given me so much more confidence in my self. I can’t recommend Jonathan highly enough for anyone seeking personal help."


"I can’t recommend Jonathan enough. His approach really opened my eyes to a lot of constructs I built up in my mind that were weighing me down for too long and causing me a lot of pain. I was pleasantly surprised that he brought his own individual style into psychotherapy and that made me feel much more heard and understood.

I never thought therapy would help me so much and I can advise anyone reading this to just go for it.


Jeg er her for at hjælpe dig med at leve dit liv fuldt ud, ved at lære nye færdigheder til at overvinde udfordrende situationer i dit liv. Jeg vil guide dig til at udfor​ske dine tanker og følelser på nye måder og hjælpe dig med at genforbinde dig med dine værdier og lade dem lede nyfundne handlinger i dit liv